Stem Cell Banking Information For Pregnant Women

Stem cell banking is a trend that is catching up in different parts of the world. Stem cells from umbilical cord blood are collected at the time of delivery when the cord connecting the baby to mother is cut.

Stem cell therapy has the potential to radically change the treatment of human disease. Cord blood technology has been used in the US since 1990. Parents and guardians are increasingly seeking to store their children’s stem cells as an insurance policy against future life-threatening diseases.

Stem cells have the potential to grow into any other type of cells. They are the building blocks of the blood and immune system that can reproduce into other cell types, including heart, muscle and nerve. Within a few weeks, 300 people have approached us for information on stem cell banking.

Umbilical cord blood stem cells have been used over the years in an increasing number of treatments including leukemia, malignant tumors, blood disorders, red cell disorders and more.

Currently research in the use of stem cells to treat more than 85 diseases is being undertaken. Stem cells are the natural repair kit of the human body. In the last few years, more than 10,000 patients in over 150 countries have been treated with cord blood stem cell transplants.

Europe’s largest stem cell banking company, Cryo-Save, also launched operations in India recently. The company sees huge potential in this business and has has invested in 10 stem cell storage banks. The company is offering a stem cell storage kit at Rs.75,000 (about USD 1500) that includes the cost of collecting stem cells at the time of delivery to processing and preserving it for next 21 years. The company has also tied up with several hospitals and gynecologists to make expecting mothers aware about the benefits of stem cell therapy.

We believe similar companies operate in US also, though the costs maybe higher. While it is hard to plan much ahead in life, it looks like there are couple who are ready to spend and buy this “stem cell banking” insurance for their kids future health. As always, please ask questions before opting for any service, and insist of clear answers in layman’s terms, and get all agreements in writing.

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