Hello and welcome. The few minutes you spend on this page may just be the best thing you did for your health this year and beyond. This page is about understanding, preventing and fighting cancer, which I have seen from close. I hope you will gain valuable information by the end of this article. First, a quick fact check.
Did you know that?
- Cancer can attack any age group, not just older people.
- There are over 200 types of cancer.
- 30 to 60 % cancers are linked to your lifestyle (important for those with high travel & stress)
- You can prevent or cure many cancers by changing diet and lifestyle.
- In 200+ human studies, carrots consistently emerged as a top cancer-fighting food.
Over the last two years, I underwent some surgeries (non-cancerous), and during my multiple visits to the hospitals, I came across several instances of people hit by cancer – many in their 20s, 30s, and 40s – working as managers, engineers, bankers, lawyers, teachers, pilots, etc.
One person with back pain thought it was due to frequent air travel and was taking pain killers for several months– turned out to be spine cancer. Another person thought his skin had been itching due to weather changes– was actually skin cancer. Lung, Breast, and Colorectal cancers are even more common. My discovery of year 2006 was that cancer is much closer to us than we realize.
While I am not a medical professional, the Molecular Biology I studied at Stanford University is enough to help me in understanding cancer technically and assessing the huge amount information on the Internet.
What amazes me is that many companies and websites are charging up to $200 for such essential information, or they will share it with you if you buy their consultation, products, pills, etc.
Each patient wished he or she knew it before. So I have prepared a guide with all essential information, for free, so that you and everyone can read it. It has information extracted from a variety of sources like reputed organizations like cancer.gov and cancerresearchuk.org, blogs by cancer patients, and research notes by biotech companies. Wish you great health.
About the author: Shankar AVSB is the Director for Alpha Neuron, the leading business resource to help executives with difficult business decisions. He has worked with 100+ business directors on various business challenges. He follows various topics on healthcare and also leads MyOrbit.tv. He has a degree in Electrical Engineering, and has also studied at Stanford University School of Medicine.
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Required Disclaimer: The information on this page is not professional medical advice. If you have, or suspect you may have, a health problem or cancer, please consult your doctor ASAP.
Personal Note: Please question and investigate why a treatment is being suggested to you and what alternatives were considered. ‘Intelligent Decision Making’ does not get any more serious than when you are fighting cancer.
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