Category Archives: Surgery

Breast Surgery Complications

First and foremost there could be an allergic reaction to the anesthetic. General is considered to be more risky yet any anesthetic could bring on a negative reaction. Although extremely rare, it is possible to bleed post-operatively resulting in another surgery to control and drain the collected blood. Another possibility is hematoma (a collection of clotted blood), seroma (a collection of the watery portion of the blood) and thrombosis (abnormal clotting). Continue reading

Knee Surgery: Cartilage Cell transplant – An Alternative to Knee Replacement Surgery in young patients

This article by Dr. Venkat describes his views on Cartilage Cell transplant, which he believes is a good alternative to Knee Replacement Surgery in young patients. Osteoarthritis is a well known disease affecting joints, mainly of the hip, knee.

Articular cartilage, the lining tissue at the ends of long bones is mainly affected. In Indians, knee osteoarthritis is very common and even younger people in their fourth decade have some earlier symptoms.

In this article I shall discuss the precursor of the disease, “cartilage lesion” and surgical methods to prevent or treat early cartilage disease. By availing of these alternate methods of surgery the need for joint replacement can be averted or postponed by younger people. I shall confine myself to the knee joint but the same principles can apply to any other joint.

Articular cartilage is the shiny tissue that lines the ends of bones participating in a joint. It is the natural shock absorber. Loss of this tissue is responsible for the development of osteoarthritis. Healthy cartilage is a bluish white, smooth, glistening tissue. It has no blood and nerve supply. It is precious since there is a limit to its complete regeneration unlike tissues in other organs and even in the underlying bone. Continue reading

World’s First Delivery From Ovarian Transplant

In a landmark medical development, a 38-year-old sterile women, who had an ovarian transplant last year, is set to give birth this week to the world’s first baby conceived after a full ovary transplant. Her ovaries failed at the age of 15.

This delicate and pioneering operation was done by Dr. Sherman Silber, the microsurgery pioneer of the Infertility Center at St Louis in Missouri, USA. Dr. Silber removed the ovary, which is the size of a walnut, from the donor who is the twin-sister of the patient, using keyhole surgery. He then implanted the ovary into the recipient and had to connect tiny blood vessels, just 0.33 mm in diameter, to establish blood flow to the organ.

Three months after the transplant the woman began to ovulate normally and her hormone levels were equal to those of her healthy twin after five months. The woman discovered she was pregnant about a year after the transplant.

Dr. Silber will discuss this pregnancy at a meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine on Monday (Nov 10,2008), described the reconnection of the arteries and veins in the transplant as “extremely delicate”.

The transplant from an identical twin made it unlikely that the organ would be rejected. Transplants can be extended to close relatives but immuno-uppressive drugs are needed to prevent rejection of the organ.

After the ovary transplant, the previously sterile woman had periods for the first time in 22 years. In addition to the joy of becoming pregnant, the osteoporosis she had previously suffered showed signs of improvement as a result of restored hormone levels. The woman’s twin-sisiter, who already has two children, donated one of her ovaries to her sister. So the baby will, genetically, be the twin sister’s child.

The pioneering surgery will give hope not only to thousands of women who suffer an early menopause, but also to those undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy for cancer. They could now freeze an ovary before beginning the treatment.

The success also raises the possibility of women freezing ovarian tissue to postpone motherhood for social reasons, such as delaying marriage or not wishing to interrupt their careers.

Unlike IVF (In vitro fertilization), the conventional infertility treatment, an ovary transplant not only allows a woman to conceive “naturally” but also restores hormone levels in women who have suffered an early menopause.

The hormones produced in the ovaries — oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone — affect the female body in many ways, including prompting monthly periods and protecting the bones from osteoporosis.

Coronary Bypass Grafting performing better than Drug-eluting Stents

SOURCE: New England Journal of Medicine, January 24, 2008.

The results of a study published in this week’s New England Journal of Medicine show that for patients with several blockages in their coronary arteries, mortality rates are lower when they undergo bypass grafting rather than having the new generation of drug-eluting stents inserted.

Dr. Edward L Hannan, at the State University of New York, Rensselaer, and colleagues compared outcomes of nearly 10,000 patients with multiple coronary lesions who were treated with drug-eluting stents and almost 7,500 similar patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting.

After making adjustments for the presence of other illnesses, the chances of dying within 18 months were approximately 25 percent lower with the coronary bypass operation than with insertion of drug-eluting stents. Estimated rates of heart attacks and the need for another procedure also favored bypass grafting rather than stenting.

The results “affirm that coronary artery bypass grafting remains the standard of care” for patients who require clearance of multiple coronary blockages, writes Dr. Joseph P. Carrozza, Jr., from Harvard Medical School, in an editorial.

“However, stents may be an alternative for patients at high risk for surgical complications or when an informed patient chooses a less invasive option.”

Worldclass Surgery in India with Wockhardt Hospital

Many uninsured people from North Americans and Europe are now choosing to go overseas for advanced surgery at a fraction of the cost in US. Wockhardt Hospital in Bangalore is one state of the art facility at which is now a preferred destination for American patients looking for advanced Cardiac, Orthopedic and Spinal Surgeries.

An associate hospital of Harvard Medical International (HMI), Boston, USA, this hospital is equipped with latest technology, multi-disciplinary capability, world class infrastructure and excellent patient care ambience and processes.

While the patients undergo medical treatment, their companions who accompany them are able to appreciate the services offered at top Indian hospital from a different perspective.

In this video, some companions of American patients talk about their positive experience – of how it was initially a tough decision to come to India, which finally proved a very beneficial and fulfilling one For more details visit