Category Archives: Prostate Problems

Prostate Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Prostate Cancer is becoming increasingly common in men above 50 years age, and therefore men in this age group must remain very alert possible occurence of Prostate Cancer, and its diagnosis and treatment. It is the 4th most common cause of death from malignant diseases in males.

The Prostate is a glandular organ present only in males. It surrounds the neck of bladder and the first part of urethra and condributes a secretion to the semen. The gland is conical in shape and measures 3 cm in vertical diameter and 4 cm in transverse diameter. It has five lobes: anterior, posterior,two lateral and a median lobe. Since the first part of the male urethra passses through the prostate, any lesion in the prostate will produce difficulty in passing urine.

Diseases of the prostate gland:
1) Prostatitis: This is the inflamation of the prostate gland due to bacterial infection.
2) Benign enlargement of the prostate:  This is a non cancerous tumour of the prostate seen after the age of 50.
3) Prostate Cancer: Cancer of the prostate is directly linked with the male sex hormones (androgens). If the levels of sex hormone increases the growth rate of cancer also increases. It is found that after the removel of testes there is marked reduction in the size of tumor. Continue reading

Prostate Cancer Screening Information

To start with, not every person needs to have prostate cancer screening regularly. Many factors are involved in a decision to do a prostate cancer screening – and it will help to have the right facts and facts and factors with you. It is best to ask your doctor if you need to have prostate cancer screening, but the answer may not be simple as there will be some discussion involved.

  • FACT: While one in six men (16.67 %) will be diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point, only about thirty-three percent die from it (ie about 5.5 %).  Early treatment is effective and other conditions can cause death before prostate cancer.
  • FACT: prostate cancer screening can not catch all cases of prostate cancer and it won’t help those who have aggressive forms of prostate cancer. You and your doctor can look into the sufficient information to make a reasonable decision about prostate cancer screening.
  • FACT: Both the cancerous and non-cancerous prostate tissue produces a protein called prostate-specific antigen or PSA. This is a protein that helps to liquefy semen and helps it to enter the bloodstream at certain rates depending on the prostate health. This means that PSA isn’t specific only to prostate cancer. However, the PSA levels will typically be higher with prostate cancer than with non-cancerous tissue.
  • FACT: Even aggressive forms of prostate cancer may not produce PSA so it is important to still have a digital rectal exam. Other factors also influence the results of prostate cancer screening, such as the size of a person’s prostate and how quickly the PSA levels change.


If a man has another serious disease that shortens their life expectancy then screening may not be necessary. There are some men who even live a long healthy life without ever knowing they have prostate cancer, eventually dying of something other than prostate cancer.

Men may not show any signs or symptoms of prostate cancer if it grows too slow which also means it won’t become a threat to a mans length and quality of life. When it comes to these conditions you can see why it isn’t necessary for everyone to have prostate cancer screening. However, since prostate cancer screening has become available the death rate has decreased for prostate cancer.

It is important to have a physician who is experienced in interpreting PSAs since there is a complexity within the relating factors. An experienced doctor can properly evaluate your situation and avoid any unnecessary or inappropriate invasive testing and treatment.

Green Tea Reduces Advanced Prostate Cancer Risk

Another latest study has confirmed the health benefits of green tea. A new study published in Japan this week found that drinking five or more cups of green tea a day could reduce the risk of developing advanced prostate cancer by 50%!

The research team from Japan’s health ministry surveyed 49,920 men aged 40-69 across Japan in 1990 and 1993 and followed up on their health until 2004, the National Cancer Centre said. During this time, 404 men were newly diagnosed with prostate cancer, of whom 114 had advanced cases, 271 were localized, and 19 were of an undetermined stage. An analysis found the risks of having advanced prostate cancer was 50% lower for men who drink five or more cups of green tea a day compared with those who have less than one cup.

The research group said: “Green tea was not associated with localised prostate cancer, but green tea may be associated with a decreased risk of advanced prostate cancer.”

What’s special in green tea? A substance called catechin in green tea is supposed to contribute towards reducing risks by curbing levels of testosterone, a male hormone seen as a risk factor to prostate cancer.

The incidence of prostate cancer is much lower in Asian than Western populations. The study started on the assumption that this may be linked to the high consumption of green tea in Asian populations, and the assumption seems to be proving correct.

Early Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer

Early Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer Lead To A Cure

One in three men will have problems due to their prostate gland, but these are problems that can be solved if addressed early and properly.  There are men that die of prostate cancer every year, but many of these men are those who ignored the early symptoms of prostate cancer.

The prostate gland is an essential organ in the male reproductive system.  The prostrate gland is very small compared to other organs in the male system, but it is a gland that often leads to the most significant problems faced by many men today.

Unfortunately, men sometimes believe that a regular visit to the doctor is unnecessary because they feel great, and they often ignore the early symptoms of prostate cancer.

The thought of problems with the reproductive system is often more frightening to men than other serious conditions because these conditions could possibly threaten their lives and their sexuality before they die.

Some men worry that the treatments might affect their sexual function so they feel ambivalent about diagnosis when they know the treatment that follows.  The problems of men can be very dangerous if they delay.  The early symptoms of prostate cancer alert men who should find effective treatment if they act in time.

Early Symptoms Of Prostate Cancer Are Warnings To Act 

  • African-American men suffer from prostate cancer more than other ethnic groups, but all men over fifty have a significant chance of developing prostate cancer.  Left untreated, prostate cancer is usually deadly, but the cure rate is excellent if the cancer is treated when the early symptoms of prostate cancer first appear.
  • All men over fifty should go for screening once a year.  There are two tests that can point out the early symptoms of prostate cancer.  All men over fifty should go to their physician to get these two tests.
  • The early symptoms of prostate cancer are sometimes the symptoms of other conditions as well.  These early symptoms of prostate cancer include urgent, painful and frequent urination.
  • A dull pain in the pelvic area can also be a warning sign of prostate cancer.
  • Blood in the urine or pain during intercourse can also be early symptoms of prostate cancer.
  • Pain in the lower back, hip, thighs and bones can also be an indication of the presence of cancer.
  • Prostate cancer begins in the prostate gland, and it can be cured if it does not move out of this gland.

Prostate Cancer Warning Signs

Why Waiting for Prostate Cancer Warning Signs Can Hurt

There are long gaps between the very first stages of prostate enlargement for whatever reason, and the appearance of perceptible symptoms.

The prostate gland is present in a particularly packed part of the body, but not all systems respond to a swollen gland at the same stage or time. Moreover, prostate enlargement shares symptoms with other unrelated medical conditions as well.

Therefore, no lay person can come to any worthwhile or reliable conclusions merely by experiencing some common symptoms. There really are no alternatives to professional assessment by qualified and experienced doctors.

The microscopic cells which make up any part of the body are beehives of activity, though we may take them for granted, or be unaware of what all goes on inside our physical selves. Fortunately, a doctor can detect prostate cancer warning signs months before a lay person feels that something may be wrong.

There are two routes to such diagnoses

  1. by physical examination
  2. through tests, both of blood and through scans of the pelvic area.

A doctor will normally employ a combination of both these approaches to rule out prostate enlargement, and the conclusion is not valid without fresh appraisal after a year.
Typical Prostate Cancer Warning Signs

Visiting a rest room is such a mundane act that many of us may not realize that we seem to feel the urge to empty our bladders slightly more often than before. The earliest prostate cancer warning signs are subtle, and shared with other medical conditions as well. A sudden disturbance of glucose metabolism can cause the same kind of frequent urination, which is a possible symptom of glandular enlargement blocking the urethra.

However, prostate cancer warning signs can be distinguished to some extent, or in some cases, by a characteristic feeling that the bladder does not empty as usual.

Moreover, urination is also painful when the prostate is enlarged, which is not the case with type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes. Prostate cancer can also result in traces of blood appearing in urine.

Pain is another pervasive outcome of untreated prostate cancer, especially if detection is delayed. It starts with generalized discomfort in the pelvic area where the prostate is located. The pain gets progressively worse if the affected man does not take treatment, and spreads to the back, the lower limbs, and to the skeleton as a whole. Malignancy may also affect neighboring parts of the body. The acute distress of advanced prostate cancer makes timely detection and the start of treatment invaluable.