Category Archives: Pregnancy

Rectal Yeast Infection Symptoms

When it comes to a rectal yeast infection the best thing you can do is become educated about the symptoms to look for. There are typically symptoms of dryness, running, itching, swelling and uncomfortable burning with a rectal yeast infection.

The number of symptoms that you feel during a rectal yeast infection will vary; some may get all the symptoms while others will only get one or two sporadic symptoms.

Antibiotics, soap sensitivity, sexual transmission and pregnancy are some of the most common causes that cause a rectal yeast infection.

You will want to get familiar with the symptoms of a rectal yeast infection so you don’t confuse it with other vaginal infections.

When you start to feel dryness, burning or itching there are a few things that can be causing the symptoms.

Most often these symptoms are a sign of a rectal yeast infection since most women experience a yeast infection during their lifetime and a yeast infection is the most common vaginal irritation.

Although a rectal yeast infection has symptoms that are similar to other problems that can be a little more serious which is why it is important to visit your doctor.

Symptoms To Look For

Itching, redness, burning or swelling in the vaginal area are some of the standard symptoms of a rectal yeast infection.

There may also be a white discharge that looks like cottage cheese, dryness, irritation, pain during sexual intercourse and a burning sensation when urinating.

These symptoms will often occur to a varying degree from slightly painful to extremely uncomfortable.

Some women may also only experience a mild version of these symptoms with a rectal yeast infection.

A rectal yeast infection can be caused by birth control pills, antibiotics, sensitivity to soaps or douches, sexual transmission, pregnancy and diabetes.

The imbalance of the pH levels in the vagina can be affected by any of these which leads to the discomfort of itching and redness.

Often the symptoms of a rectal yeast infection can be cleared up quickly with many over the counter antifungal medications.

Some differences you should look for include a grayish discharge which is a symptom of a bacterial infection and it will often have a fishy odor.

You cannot cure a bacterial infection with over the counter OTC yeast medication.

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease that is represented by a greenish-yellow discharge.

Vaginitis is another condition similar to a yeast infection, but it is often caused by a sensitivity to perfumed soaps, douches and bubble baths. The condition will usually clear up easily after you discontinue use of the offending product.

Q: Are you looking for Yeast Infection Treatment?
Yeastrol is a homeopathic product that works like nothing else on the market today. Experts in homeopathic treatments have combined 12 ingredients to fight not just the itching “but multiple symptoms of yeast infection” from the inside out! And Yeastrol gets into your system quickly, with just two simple sprays under the tongue, three times a day. And you get 2 bottles free.


Treatment For Heartburn during Pregnancy

Often, there is more heartburn during pregnancy.Why is that so, and what can you do about it?

Why Is There More Heartburn During Pregnancy?

To understand why the incidence of heartburn rises during pregnancy, lets first understand what causes heartburn.

  • When we eat, the food goes past the throat and down the esophagus to the stomach. At the bottom of the esophagus, there is the lower esophageal sphincter (also known as the LES). It is supposed to be closed tightly most of the time. (One exception is when we swallow.)
  • With peristalsis, which is the rhythmic motion of the food being carried along through the digestive tract, the food stays in the stomach for a while and is digested by the acids in the stomach. Unfortunately, sometimes that sphincter does not stay closed when it should, and the acid splashes back up into the esophagus and burns it.

Many factors can increase the incidence of heartburn.

  • It is most common after overeating, or when lying down, bending over, lifting, straining, and coughing. And certain foods and drinks can make it worse, like spicy foods, or high fat foods, or coffee.
  • It is also aggravated by too tight of clothing over the stomach, stress, obesity, and pregnancy, itself. It is obvious to see why these factors would add to the incidence of heartburn during pregnancy – stress, tight clothing, etc.

What Can Be Done for Heartburn During Pregnancy?

The quickest, easiest solution for heartburn during pregnancy is to take an antacid. Though not recommended as a long-term solution, if taken intermittently, an antacid can relieve the heartburn quickly. While it will not help heal the esophagus, it will relieve the heartburn sometimes felt during pregnancy. It is worth a try and antacids are available over-the-counter.

Another option is to try taking sodium bicarbonate, otherwise known as baking soda. Just a teaspoon or two mixed into a glass of water and drunk can help with heartburn, and often relieves it for several days. Though it is not palatable to drink, having a few days off from heartburn can be worth it.

Breast Feeding Benefits and Other Options

Here’s an informative video on the benefits of breast feeding and options available to women if they are unable to breast feed their baby for any reason.

Bronchitis And Pregnancy: How To Handle or Avoid?

Pregnancy is a delicate time for mother and the unborn child, and it is important to avoid getting sick to the extent possible.

Of course things like common cold etc keep happening, but its the bigger things you have to guard against.

Is it true that pregnancy tend to contract bronchitis?

Yes, it is likely for pregnant women to get bronchitis, because during pregnancy, the uterus expands to provide more room for the growing baby.  However, this causes other organs, such as the lungs, to be compressed/pressured.  This often leads to more sinus infections in pregnant women—and sinus infections can lead to bronchitis.

  • The simultaneous occurrence of bronchitis and pregnancy often inhibits the woman’s ability to breathe, which is dangerous for the baby’s health and development.
  • Usually antibiotics or drugs would be the quick fix for this situation.  However, pregnant women must be careful about which drugs they take, because these too can damage the baby’s health.
  • Anytime a pregnant woman is considering taking medicine of any kind, she needs to work very closely with her doctor to determine what is best for her health.

How To Avoid Bronchitis During Pregnancy? 

Here are some steps to take. First of all, women who are pregnant should avoid being around people with colds or bronchitis.  This means think twice before getting into crowded metros. Additionally, if a woman is pregnant during the flu season (December through March), then she should get the flu vaccine to protect herself from serious cases of pneumonia or influenza.

World’s First Delivery From Ovarian Transplant

In a landmark medical development, a 38-year-old sterile women, who had an ovarian transplant last year, is set to give birth this week to the world’s first baby conceived after a full ovary transplant. Her ovaries failed at the age of 15.

This delicate and pioneering operation was done by Dr. Sherman Silber, the microsurgery pioneer of the Infertility Center at St Louis in Missouri, USA. Dr. Silber removed the ovary, which is the size of a walnut, from the donor who is the twin-sister of the patient, using keyhole surgery. He then implanted the ovary into the recipient and had to connect tiny blood vessels, just 0.33 mm in diameter, to establish blood flow to the organ.

Three months after the transplant the woman began to ovulate normally and her hormone levels were equal to those of her healthy twin after five months. The woman discovered she was pregnant about a year after the transplant.

Dr. Silber will discuss this pregnancy at a meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine on Monday (Nov 10,2008), described the reconnection of the arteries and veins in the transplant as “extremely delicate”.

The transplant from an identical twin made it unlikely that the organ would be rejected. Transplants can be extended to close relatives but immuno-uppressive drugs are needed to prevent rejection of the organ.

After the ovary transplant, the previously sterile woman had periods for the first time in 22 years. In addition to the joy of becoming pregnant, the osteoporosis she had previously suffered showed signs of improvement as a result of restored hormone levels. The woman’s twin-sisiter, who already has two children, donated one of her ovaries to her sister. So the baby will, genetically, be the twin sister’s child.

The pioneering surgery will give hope not only to thousands of women who suffer an early menopause, but also to those undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy for cancer. They could now freeze an ovary before beginning the treatment.

The success also raises the possibility of women freezing ovarian tissue to postpone motherhood for social reasons, such as delaying marriage or not wishing to interrupt their careers.

Unlike IVF (In vitro fertilization), the conventional infertility treatment, an ovary transplant not only allows a woman to conceive “naturally” but also restores hormone levels in women who have suffered an early menopause.

The hormones produced in the ovaries — oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone — affect the female body in many ways, including prompting monthly periods and protecting the bones from osteoporosis.