Category Archives: Heartburn

Effects Of Stress On Human Body

There are many effects of stress on the body and these can manifests themselves both physically and mentally. Some effects of stress on the body are easier to detect than others.

Stress is a state where an individual feel anxious, threatened, angry or tense. It is often experienced in the workplace (work related stress) and sometimes in the home. The varied effects of stress on the body are sometimes easy to cope with while other, especially long term stress effects can be debilitating.

Although stress is a normal part of our lives and we always experience it through the years it is how we cope with it that is important. The physical effects of stress on the body are easier to detect compared to mental effects. While stress is often seen as a negative aspect, it can have a positive effect on us by training us for difficult times. But stress affects us negatively when it does not have any let up or respite. A body under continuous stress will eventually break down and will have a difficult time regaining balance.

Physical Effects Of Stress On The Human Body

Some effects of stress on the body which are physical are headaches, stomach upsets, chest pains, sleep related problems and elevated blood pressure.

Other effects of stress on the body are skin conditions such as hives, heart palpitations, hyperventilation and several heart problems.

The effects of stress on the body can be dangerous. Many diseases start in a stressed body because there seems to be a link between stress and reduced immunity. Therefore, being able to manage the effects of stress on the body is vital in keeping yourself healthy both physically and mentally.

Because stress is unavoidable in our daily lives, it is best to learn to cope with it in such a way that the effects of stress on the body are not as debilitating.

There are many ways to prevent being stressed. You need to take a break after a particularly stressful episode at work or at home.

Dr Whiting on Indigestion, Heartburn, and Acid Reflux

When it comes to nourishing the body, you are not merely what you eat, but rather what you absorb. If you cannot properly and completely break down nutrients from food and food supplements, you can be starving for these essential factors even though you think you are eating reasonably well.

After the age of 40, many people find themselves suffering from indigestion, heartburn, bloating, constipation, and feelings of fullness after meals, especially evening meals. This is due to a breakdown in the production of natural hydrochloric acid production in the stomach. Without this acid, proteins cannot be properly digested. In the absence of these stomach acids, many enzymes, necessary for the digestion of other foods, become deficient as well. The end results are the many common complications of digestion, which include feelings of fullness, gas, bloating, heartburn and constipation.

The over-consumption of anti-acids such as Prilosec, Mylanta, Tums and others, in an attempt to correct what many people erroneously think is excess acid, has contributed greatly to such conditions as osteoporosis, arthritis, heal spurs, kidney and gall stones and calcium deposits on artery walls, leading to atherosclerosis. All of these conditions occur when the body becomes too alkaline and calcium crystallizes and falls out of fluid solution.

Those who have been suffering from long-term digestive problems such as indigestion, heartburn, bloating, constipation and feelings of fullness may have already set the stage for mineral depletion and protein deficiency. Digestive disturbances such as heartburn, bloating, constipation and feelings of fullness can be prevented by ensuring that your body is properly breaking down the vital nutrients necessary to health, found in the foods you eat and the supplements you take.

We use a broad-spectrum approach to digestion, covering protein, fats as well as carbohydrates. Our combination formula provides natural stomach acids and enzyme precursor agents to help the body manufacture all of the digestive enzymatic substances for complete digestion of all food groups.

Enzyme formulas should provide digestive components for protein, fats, and carbohydrates. This, together with natural digestive acids, will, over time, help the body to begin producing these enzymes once again on its own. In the beginning, digestive enzymes should be taken with every meal to help the body to balance its own production of these enzymes once again.

About the speaker: Dr. K. Steven Whiting is the founder of The Institute of Nutritional Science, with offices in the Netherlands, US and UK. Dr. Whiting is an Orthomolecular Nutritionist. His degrees include a Masters in Psychology as well as a Doctorate in Biochemistry earned at International Universities. His commitment and dedication within the nutrition field has led him into extensive research into such chronic conditions as Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes,
Osteoporosis, Prostrate problems, Immune System to name but a few. His website is: