Category Archives: FAQ

Acid Reflux Symptoms and Treatment

Gastroesophageal reflux, also known as acid reflux, can be a serious health hazard. Acid reflux is a chronic condition in which hydrochloric (stomach) acid escapes through the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) and enters the esophagus. Acid Reflux Symptoms include: heartburn, burping, ongoing hiccups, chronic sore throat, abdominal pain, regurgitation.

    More About Acid Reflux:  While it’s not uncommon to experience these symptoms sporadically, if they occur twice a week or more you have acid reflux disease. Risk factors include being overweight, pregnancy, eating large meals or lying down after a meal. Acid reflux can also be caused by lack of digestive enzymes. And for that, Digestive Science Reflux Elimination System is ideal because it is a safe and natural therapy to treat a common cause of acid reflux and reduce the pain that it causes. And similarly, just as acid reflux may signify that all’s not well with the state of your body, Reflux Elimination System may be a wise investment for your health and your comfort. Continue reading

    Benefits of Natural Omega 3 Supplements

    Learn How Omega 3 Fatty Acids Can Improve Your Overall Health. The demands of modern lifestyle are placing high stress on most human bodies living in urban conditions. It is hard to keep up with what all is going on these days in the fields of health, but once thing we can know for sure is that better health is a goal that is most certainly worth achieving.

    If our body is taking care of us instead of us constantly having to seek repairs for our body, then we are living the human experience the way that it was meant to be lived. There are a lot of benefits to taking Omega 3 fatty acid as often as we can get it, because science has proven that this essential ingredient in fish oil does our bodies and minds a huge amount of good. Continue reading

    Yeast Infection Symptoms, Treatment and Relief

    Question: What causes Yeast Infection?

    Answer: Yeast infections result from an overgrowth of yeast in the body. It begins in the intestines, where the candida organism exists normally in small amounts, but it can frequently spread elsewhere in the body, creating what is known as “systemic candidiasis” or “candida syndrome.”

    Question: Is Yeast Infection common?

    Answer: Yes, it is. About 75 percent of women and men have a yeast infection during their lives. And almost half of women have two or more yeast infections. A vaginal yeast infection is irritation of the vagina and the area around the vagina, called the vulva. It is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus or yeast Candida. Yeast normally live in the vagina in small numbers, but when the bacteria in the vagina become out of balance, too many yeast grow and hence cause an infection.

    Question: What are the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection and vulvitis?

    Answer: Vaginal yeast infection and vulvitis cause symptoms that are nonspecific, which means that aside from the yeast infection, other conditions can cause the identical symptoms. The most common symptom of a vaginal yeast infection is itching in the vaginal and/or vulvar area.

    Other symptoms of vaginal yeast infection and vulvitis include: burning, soreness, pain during intercourse and/or urination, and vaginal discharge. (Vaginal discharge is not always present, but when it occurs, the discharge is odorless and typically has a whitish, thick appearance and texture, like cottage cheese.)

    Vulvitis can also cause local pain in addition to the above symptoms. Pain in the vulvar area is referred to as vulvodynia. In up to 5% of women, yeast vulvovaginitis may cause a recurrent problem.

    A recurrent yeast infection occurs when a woman has four or more infections in one year that are not related to antibiotic use. Recurrent yeast infections may be related to an underlying medical condition and may require more aggressive treatment.

    Question: How can I treat Yeast Infection?

    Answer: Yeastrol is a homeopathic yeast infection relief product that provides instant relief to multiple symptoms of a yeast infection. Experts in homeopathic treatments have combined 12 ingredients to fight not just the itching but multiple symptoms of yeast infection from the inside out!

    And it gets into your system quickly, with just two simple sprays under the tongue, three times a day. No pills or messy creams – just a quick spray in the mouth to get the medication into your body efficiently.

    Following is an effective Yeast Infection Treatment.

    Yeastrol is good option for treatment of rectal yeast infection; we have heard positive reviews from people who used it, but like with any medication, some people will not benefit but its still one of the best yeast treatment medications and its homepathic, so minimal side effects on your body.


    How To Mantain Libido/Sex-Drive Despite Aging?

    Aging is a biological process that is as sure as birth and death. The aging process, just like any other scientifically proven development, is really far from being unexplainable. In fact, aging involves many theories and explanations on how this natural phenomenon happens to all human beings. Almost all scientific explanations for aging are based on the observations of objects around us. The process is basically attributed to the principle that an individual, just like any animal and non-living, complex engines, tends to deteriorate or age as years pass by.

    Aging among humans have two types- the biological and chronological processes. According to experts, chronological aging pertains to the years you have been living while biological aging shows how much your body changes as compared to how you were from the past years as well as to other people who are of the same age as you. Since the biological process is what matters most in aging, you can now have more control over your health as it is now possible to prolong or slow down biological maturity by simply adhering to the currently available medical breakthroughs that can stop the aging process.
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    FAQs on Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

    HGH stands for Human Growth Hormone. Human Growth Hormone is the naturally occurring substance from the human pituitary gland that plays a key role in young, active function of body, brain and sex organs.

    Levels of Human Growth Hormone decrease as we age. By middle age and beyond, HGH levels have plummeted to a tiny fraction of their youthful levels — and science shows that there is a direct correlation between lost HGH and the typical signs of aging, such as weight gain, loss of interest in sex, sagging skin and muscles, wrinkled skin that lacks good tone and texture, flagging memory. Continue reading