Do you think you might be pregnant? Have you missed your menstrual cycle or have early symptoms of pregnancy? If so, you may want to purchase one of the many over the counter OTC pregnancy test kits available easily in the market. There has been a lot of progress in their accuracy from the original tests our mothers used. They are comfortable, and more importantly, with advanced technology you have better pregnancy test accuracy.
How do Pregnancy Tests Work?
When the egg is fertilized, it will travel to the uterus and implant itself in the lining. Once this happens, the fertilized egg starts secreting the pregnancy hormone called human chronic gonadotrophin (HCG). So pregnancy tests that are available OTC are made with monoclonal antibodies that detect traces of HCG. When you take a pregnancy test, you urinate on a stick. Your urine sample will then move up the stick until it reaches the “control” window, which tells you that the test is working. The sample will then continue to go up until it reaches the second window, which tells you if you are pregnant. When your urine reaches this portion of the test, if you are pregnant, your urine will react with the monoclonal antibodies creating a distinct change in color causing a line or a color to appear in the window, depending on the brand of pregnancy test. The density of the positive result will depend on the amount of HCG you have in your urine. If you are not pregnant, then you will get a negative result.
Different Pregnancy Tests To Choose From
There are many different pregnancy tests on the market that promise 99% accuracy one day after your first missed period. Some pregnancy tests can even predict pregnancy as early as five day before missing your actual period. When choosing to take a test, one to five days before your missed period, you should perform the test first thing in the morning and follow the manufacturer instructions of the to get the most accurate result.
Is the Pregnancy Test Accurate?
They usually are but there can be a small error rate. So, you could still be pregnant, even if you get a negative reading – it’s a case of Pregnancy Test False Negative. If you are pregnant and you get a negative reading, it could be that you didn’t have enough HCG in your urine when you tested and you should repeat the test at a later date. So it is advisable to do check at least twice to be sure.
1. If you can afford it, buy two pregnancy test kits of two different brands, so that you can get more accuracy.
2. Remember to read the manufacturer’s directions and follow them closely to ensure an accurate reading. Healthcare providers normally recommend waiting at least a week after your first missed period, just in case you miscalculated the days to your next period.