Category Archives: Vitamins

Diabetes-Natural Cures and Remedies

As you may already know, there are two main types of diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is usually first identified in children or young adults. The beta cells of the pancreas no longer make insulin because the immune system has attacked and destroyed them. Treatment includes taking insulin, making healthy food choices, being active and controlling blood pressure and cholesterol.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. People can develop it at any age
. It usually begins with insulin resistance, where fat, muscle, and liver cells do not use insulin properly. At first, the pancreas keeps produces more insulin but over time loses the ability to give out enough insulin in response to meals. Being overweight and doing no exercise increases the chances of type 2. Treatment includes using medicines, making healthy food choices, being active and controlling blood pressure and cholesterol.

The positive news is that there are natural cures available/possible for diabetes
and these remedies can easily be added to a healthy diet to help control blood sugar levels. There are two main types of diabetics and a healthy diet as well as vitamin supplements can help diabetics who fall into both categories.

Until quite recently, it was advised that type 2 diabetes patients help their illness with only medication, but doctors now encourage them to look at natural remedies to help. Traditional medications are good but come with side effects, with risks of getting heart disease or strokes.

Natural remedies for diabetes can help the pancreas increase its own making of insulin, lowering the risks of side effects.

Several natural food items are available that can help diabetics control their blood sugar levels with a natural cure. Some examples include

  • Onions and garlic because research has revealed that onions and garlic can considerably reduce blood sugar levels for even longer periods of time than artificial insulin. Onions are advised to be eaten raw because cooking can make them loose their minerals.
  • Cayenne pepper can be used as a natural cure to arouse and perk up blood circulation, which is critical for diabetics. Using cod liver oil is also associated with a significantly lower risk of type 1 diabetes .
  • There are other nature substances that work as at helping diabetes such as the carrot juice, cabbage, coconut, and spinach.

These vitamins and natural foods can help be a natural cure and prevent the further development of diabetes as well as improving a person’s health.

Fighting Cancer with Vitamin-D

In this video, Dr. Larry Norton, a cancer specialist at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, speaks with Harry Smith about a new study that claims Vitamin D may be a key factor in preventing cancer. Already, Vitamin A of carrots has been found to be strong in fighting cancer.

How to prevent Prostate Problems?

Prostate Problems Affect Men Over Fifty

Most men do not have prostate problems before the age of fifty, and a healthy prostate gland is necessary for the reproductive system of men. After the age of fifty, there are many men who do have prostate problems. The men who are conscientious about their health usually find any prostate problems before these become very serious. There are at least two medical tests that have been developed to help men avoid any prostate problems. Regular medical tests after the age of fifty for men will usually include these two tests.

The first signs of prostate problems usually include frequent, painful or urgent urination. Other signs of prostate problems include pain in the bone and abdomen. Prostate problems including prostate cancer have been eliminated in many men because of the research by brilliant medical researchers. Sometimes men suffer serious prostate problems because they procrastinate about going to the doctor. Other men feel uncomfortable about going to the doctor because of the worry about finding a serious disease. These are the men who often develop difficult problems.

Prostate Problems Can Be Prevented Before They Start

There is an old saying about preventing a disease is better than curing a disease. This is definitely the case with the prostate gland in the male reproductive system. The tests are important in detecting any disease, but there are other measures that men can take to avoid problems before they start. Good nutrition seems to help men avoid prostrate problems according to researchers. There seems to be more prostate problems in countries where the people eat lots of fat. Those men who eat plenty of fruits and vegetables might be able to avoid prostate cancer. There is some evidence to show that this is the case.

A diet rich in fish seems to help the prostate. Men in countries where fish is eaten frequently seem to have less prostate cancer and other problems with their reproductive system. The fish with the most fatty acids seems to be good for the prostate gland. These fish include salmon and mackerel. Men who control their calorie intake and their weight seem to avoid prostate cancer as well. The evidence is strong that a nutritional diet that is low in calories and fat should improve the health men and help them avoid prostate problems. Prostate cancer kills many men every year, and this is a tragedy because there is so much information to help men avoid these problems.

How to prevent and fight cancer?

Hello and welcome. The few minutes you spend on this page may just be the best thing you did for your health this year and beyond. This page is about understanding, preventing and fighting cancer, which I have seen from close. I hope you will gain valuable information by the end of this article. First, a quick fact check.

Did you know that?

  • Cancer can attack any age group, not just older people.
  • There are over 200 types of cancer.
  • 30 to 60 % cancers are linked to your lifestyle (important for those with high travel & stress)
  • You can prevent or cure many cancers by changing diet and lifestyle.
  • In 200+ human studies, carrots consistently emerged as a top cancer-fighting food.

Guide to Fight Cancer

Over the last two years, I underwent some surgeries (non-cancerous), and during my multiple visits to the hospitals, I came across several instances of people hit by cancer – many in their 20s, 30s, and 40s – working as managers, engineers, bankers, lawyers, teachers, pilots, etc.

One person with back pain thought it was due to frequent air travel and was taking pain killers for several months– turned out to be spine cancer. Another person thought his skin had been itching due to weather changes– was actually skin cancer. Lung, Breast, and Colorectal cancers are even more common. My discovery of year 2006 was that cancer is much closer to us than we realize.

While I am not a medical professional, the Molecular Biology I studied at Stanford University is enough to help me in understanding cancer technically and assessing the huge amount information on the Internet.

What amazes me is that many companies and websites are charging up to $200 for such essential information, or they will share it with you if you buy their consultation, products, pills, etc.

Each patient wished he or she knew it before. So I have prepared a guide with all essential information, for free, so that you and everyone can read it. It has information extracted from a variety of sources like reputed organizations like and, blogs by cancer patients, and research notes by biotech companies. Wish you great health.

Let's support Cancer Research

About the author: Shankar AVSB is the Director for Alpha Neuron, the leading business resource to help executives with difficult business decisions. He has worked with 100+ business directors on various business challenges. He follows various topics on healthcare and also leads He has a degree in Electrical Engineering, and has also studied at Stanford University School of Medicine.

To receive this free guide on how to protect yourself and family from cancer along with other very useful health tips, please sign-up for our newsletter.  Your information will never be shared with anyone for any reason.

Required Disclaimer: The information on this page is not professional medical advice. If you have, or suspect you may have, a health problem or cancer, please consult your doctor ASAP.

Personal Note: Please question and investigate why a treatment is being suggested to you and what alternatives were considered. ‘Intelligent Decision Making’ does not get any more serious than when you are fighting cancer.