Category Archives: Bacterial Infections

Yeast Infection Symptoms, Treatment and Relief

Question: What causes Yeast Infection?

Answer: Yeast infections result from an overgrowth of yeast in the body. It begins in the intestines, where the candida organism exists normally in small amounts, but it can frequently spread elsewhere in the body, creating what is known as “systemic candidiasis” or “candida syndrome.”

Question: Is Yeast Infection common?

Answer: Yes, it is. About 75 percent of women and men have a yeast infection during their lives. And almost half of women have two or more yeast infections. A vaginal yeast infection is irritation of the vagina and the area around the vagina, called the vulva. It is caused by an overgrowth of the fungus or yeast Candida. Yeast normally live in the vagina in small numbers, but when the bacteria in the vagina become out of balance, too many yeast grow and hence cause an infection.

Question: What are the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection and vulvitis?

Answer: Vaginal yeast infection and vulvitis cause symptoms that are nonspecific, which means that aside from the yeast infection, other conditions can cause the identical symptoms. The most common symptom of a vaginal yeast infection is itching in the vaginal and/or vulvar area.

Other symptoms of vaginal yeast infection and vulvitis include: burning, soreness, pain during intercourse and/or urination, and vaginal discharge. (Vaginal discharge is not always present, but when it occurs, the discharge is odorless and typically has a whitish, thick appearance and texture, like cottage cheese.)

Vulvitis can also cause local pain in addition to the above symptoms. Pain in the vulvar area is referred to as vulvodynia. In up to 5% of women, yeast vulvovaginitis may cause a recurrent problem.

A recurrent yeast infection occurs when a woman has four or more infections in one year that are not related to antibiotic use. Recurrent yeast infections may be related to an underlying medical condition and may require more aggressive treatment.

Question: How can I treat Yeast Infection?

Answer: Yeastrol is a homeopathic yeast infection relief product that provides instant relief to multiple symptoms of a yeast infection. Experts in homeopathic treatments have combined 12 ingredients to fight not just the itching but multiple symptoms of yeast infection from the inside out!

And it gets into your system quickly, with just two simple sprays under the tongue, three times a day. No pills or messy creams – just a quick spray in the mouth to get the medication into your body efficiently.

Following is an effective Yeast Infection Treatment.

Yeastrol is good option for treatment of rectal yeast infection; we have heard positive reviews from people who used it, but like with any medication, some people will not benefit but its still one of the best yeast treatment medications and its homepathic, so minimal side effects on your body.


Skin cells form First-line defence against Viral Infections

Scientists at Melbourne University in Australia have discovered that certain skin cells, called dendritic cells, can recognize viruses and respond right away, a finding which could improve treatment of viral skin infections.

The findings describe the function of the cells that trigger the initial immune response to viral infection, known as dendritic cells.

“Dendritic cells are like police patrolling our blood and tissues for anything unusual. There are many different types of them, so we wanted to examine how they differ in their function,” said Dr Sammy Bedoui of Melbourne University, who led an international team.

According to them, the work identifies previously unrecognized first-line defence mechanisms important in barrier locations such as the skin and the gut, often used as portals of entry by viruses.

Using an animal model of skin infection with the cold sore virus, the scientists examined two aspects of anti-viral immune responses by studying the cells involved in the initial stimulation of the immune response, and cells that remember past infections to boost the response after reinfection.


How to Identify Bronchitis vs Common Cold vs Pneumonia?

Almost everyone gets a cold in their lifetime, and many people will get cold at least once every year.

And there are times when a cold may become something worse, so the question of the day is how do you know you have bronchitis instead of a lingering cold.

Question: How Do You Know You Have Bronchitis? What are the Key Symptoms?

Often, a cold is the first step in developing bronchitis so some cold symptoms will also be present in bronchitis. Identifying the current cough as something more than just a part of a cold — is the complex part of detecting if you have bronchitis.

  • With colds, your cough may be rather dry with no expulsion of phlegm or mucus. However, with bronchitis, the coughs are moist, producing yellow or green sputum.
  • Another symptom for bronchitis is wheezing and chest pain — ie behind the sternum (breast bone). When your bronchial tubes are inflamed, they are producing mucus which creates a rattling, wheezing noise when you breathe. Of course, the pain in the chest occurs from repeated coughing as well as from the bronchial tube inflammation.
  • Fatigue and fever are two additional signs that can show how you know you do have bronchitis. Chronic coughing can take a toll on your body causing tiredness while fever is common when you body is fighting an infection. Of course, these two symptoms are also prevalent in pneumonia as well.

Question: How do you know you if you have bronchitis instead of pneumonia?

For that you can get chest x-ray or “Bronchoscopy” at the hospital or doctor’s office. The x-rays will reveal clear lungs with bronchitis, but infection is will be visible in the lungs of a pneumonia patient.

Question: What are the Treatment Options?

Once you know that you do have bronchitis, specific treatment can be started.

  • If the cause is a bacteria, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics. A blood test and sample of the phlegm/sputum can show how you know you do have bronchitis caused by bacteria.
  • If the cause is a virus (and this seems to be more common) you can’t solve it with antibiotics (as you may know already), and you just have to wait and let the illness run its course. However, you could still ease your symptoms like the inhalation of steam, consuming plenty of fluids and taking a pain reliever for those body aches.

Question: How can I prevent it from coming in future?

That’s very difficult give that we live in a society and we have to constantly interact with people. Even if your body is able to Once you have become better, think about future. The best defense is preventative maintenance like hand washing and avoiding disease prone areas. Regular exercise can keep your respiratory system in good shape for

Yeast Infection Treatment During Pregnancy

Q: Is it Common to get Yeast Infections during Pregnancy?

A: Yes, yeast infections during pregnancy are even more common than infections at other times of your life. Many doctors believe that this is due to the higher levels of estrogen that your body is producing that creates a more conducive environment for the yeast to thrive in. These conditions are fortunately rather easy to treat, but can be quite uncomfortable until the topical remedies take effect, with frequent itching and burning in the vaginal areas.

Whatever the reason, there seems to be a higher incidence of yeast infections during pregnancy. But these infections are easy to treat and are not dangerous nearly all of the time.

Q: What are the Symptoms of such Yeast Infection?

A: For most women, the most common sign of a yeast infection during pregnancy is the constant itching and sometimes painful burning that can occur. You will probably also have a discharge from your vagina that may have a foul odor to it. When you see these symptoms, it is time to call your doctor.

Please never try to treat your symptoms on your own until your doctor confirms the diagnosis, since other conditions can also have similar symptoms.

Q: How to Approach Treatment of Yeast Infection during Pregnancy?

A: There are many options to treat yeast infection during pregnancy that will be completely safe for both your baby and you.

  • Topical antifungal creams work very effectively in getting rid of these infections, and are generally applied into the vagina using an applicator once a night before bed for seven days.
  • To relieve the itching and burning in the meantime, you can apply ice packs or soak in a warm, but not hot, bathtub.
  • Wearing cotton underwear during the day and no underwear at night will keep the area clean and dry, and contribute to a quicker recovery period.
  • Eating yogurt every day can help to balance the bacteria within your body, and heal a yeast infection during pregnancy more quickly as well.

Note: You should also check with your doctor about the best medication for your specific case. Its possible that a medicine that worked for you earlier may not be the best solution now give your pregnant state.

Yeast infections during pregnancy can be more common than at other times in your life.

Following is an effective Yeast Infection Treatment, and you get 2 bottles free.

How to Solve Recurring Yeast Infection?

Dealing with recurring yeast infection is a common problem for many women.  Given the large number of women that get yeast infections on a yearly basis, that over the counter products have been developed.

So what do you do for Recurring Yeast Infection? For some women, it is a matter of discovering what is the probable cause of the recurring yeast infection, and then bringing about a change to avoid that situation.  It is believed that tight clothing can cause moisture retention, where yeast feed grow.  It must be understood that everyone has a specific balance of yeast in their bodies to start with.  A yeast infection occurs when the yeast begin to grow out of control.  Tight clothing, or under garments that don not allow moisture to be evaporated, can cause a yeast infection.  Panty hose, in particular, is a common cause in many women with recurring yeast infection problems.

Additional issues for women with recurring yeast infection problems are women who are having hormonal changes.  This can be due to pregnancy or even menopause.  A change in hormones causes the balance to change within a woman’s body.  These new balances, throw the yeast into overdrive, causing the women to experience recurring yeast infections.

Women, who are taking any kind of medication, can discover that they will be victims of a recurring yeast infection.  Like we have said on other posts on this site, medications can change a woman’s chemical balance, and the yeast will become a problem.  For women taking medications for long term medical conditions, this can present a challenge in keeping the yeast infections at bay.

For some of these more chronic medical conditions, a discussion with a physician may be recommended.  Long term illnesses that need medication can cause a woman to be in a cycle of recurring yeast infections, and this condition should be discussed to discover ways to treat the woman.

There is no doubt that a recurring yeast infection can affect a woman’s normal life. So it is important to start a treatment that can stop the cycle of yeast growth and infection.  If over the counter medications do not seem to be working, there must be something in your body or lifestyle that is the cause – please consult a physician for a full evaluation.

A recurring yeast infection without any provocation should also be discussed with a physician.  Although there are many products that can be purchased at a variety of stores for yeast infections, some of these will not be able to treat all infections.  A recurring yeast infection may need specific medication to fully eliminate the bacterial growth.  Sometimes there are several different bacteria’s within the yeast infection, and these will need a specialized treatment to stop the out of control growth of the yeast